Monday 26 July 2010

Crystal Canyon 2010

After the heat of the past few weeks we decided it was time to head over to Niigata and check out one of our favorite canyons before the first tours start later this month.

(For more detail on tour times check out -

The large blocks of snow that normally sit in the sides of the canyons had all melted and the water temp was a warm 17.5 degrees. perfect conditions for the Crystal course.

( above: views up the canyon as we hiked in on the hiking trail. The waterfall looks small from here.....)

(above: Sam showing his jumping style on one of the first jumping areas)

(above: Mike in one of the narrows of the upper section)

From the get in point the canyon is split into two section, upper and lower. The upper section can be visited by swimming and climbing up the canyon to the top waterfall where the canyon starts. The upper section contains some of the narrowest parts of the canyon along with some great jumps in crystal clear water. The lower section open out as you go down with larger waterfalls and incredible panoramic views down the valley as you near the end.

(Above: The group bridges (steming as the Americans say) up the top section where the water flow is strong to swim)

(Above: Dave heads down the 18m drop to check it out for the others to follow. This is a picture taken from above the waterfall in the first picture. It looks a bit bigger from on top!)

One of the bigger waterfalls in Crystal canyon is a 18m drop into a beautiful pool. Its normally a great jump but we always send someone down first to check for hidden nasties (logs etc).

After Dave checked the pool below and gave us the all clear the rest of the group followed by jumping. Although not a jump for all its a great way to find out if your the jumping type!

(Above: Mike launching off the chock stone at the top of the 18m jump)

(Above: Sam exiting the pool below the 18m jump)

(Above: The final 30m abseil of Crystal Canyon)

As most of the staff at canyons know now Sam isnt to shy about getting his gear off. As a result has started a tradition of getting a few butt shots at every new canyon he visits.

This is Sam giving a final salute goodbye to Crystal.

To see just how beautiful crystal canyon is check out this short video below.